The 3 Stars – July 15, 2024

The heat has punished Denver for the last week, peaking with triple-digit temperatures this past weekend. While I enjoy summers more than winters (living in Minnesota will do that), this is a little more than I bargained for. At least there’s little humidity?


Well, that has given me more time indoors to find some new music worth sharing. Saying that these three songs are as hot as “the heat dome” over Colorado is way too Top 40, from which I’m 27 years removed. That, and it’s lame. But classifying these three songs as “fire” would not be incorrect. 

And away we go…

Number 3 Star: The Thing at Hand – Ani DiFranco

The DIY Queen is back for her 23rd album. Last week, Ani DiFranco unveiled her newest release, Unprecedented Sh!t. I won’t sugarcoat it, this is not Ani’s best album. However, this is the clear standout, and so good it has earned the Number 3 Star. 

Number 2 Star: X’s – Cigarettes After Sex

The title track from El Paso band Cigarettes After Sex’s third album checks in at the Number 2 Star. While there were three forerunners for this album, this haunting dream pop song not only fulfills the role of opening track but is also the standout song. Denver gets to enjoy this band’s company in October.

Number 1 Star: Body of Mine – Lambrini Girls

I have not been this excited about a band for a very long time. Rolling Stone UK refers to them as “a Molotov cocktail of feminist fury tackling subjects from abuse and lad culture to transphobia and the trivialisation of queerness.” History will look back on this band as the quintessential punk band of the 2020s, and should be on top of many end of year “best of lists.” For my friends in Chicago, Boston, Minneapolis, Louisville, Cleveland, LA, and Indy…go see this band on their first North American tour.