The 3 Stars – July 20, 2024

So, I’ve been called out. This message comes from Justin in Chicago, and now I have to rethink how I write this blog.

Hey Ian!

I’m guessing that the “3 Stars” refers to the post-game accolades in hockey. Why are you posting this on a Monday if that’s the case? Shouldn’t this be posted on a Friday or the weekend? 

Yes! You are correct, Justin. It is the highlight of the past week. I had been posting on Monday to give me time to evaluate the music and time to write a little bit about the songs. New albums now drop on Friday, so I usually like to write this on the weekend. 

However, I do get your point.

But if I’m being honest, album releases haven’t really made complications at the end of the week. However, Fridays are a bad day to post because, you know, day job. So, I will be efforting to do some work ahead of time and drop the new post on Saturdays. This will be the way it is for this week…let’s see if this will hold.

I’ve also created a graphic…so now it’s official!

And now, here are your 3 Stars of the week! 

The Number 3 Star: “Motor Mouth” – World’s Worst

Fresh off their first full-length album, this Salt Lake City band is back with a new single, titled “Motor Mouth.” World’s Worst is the very epitome of DIY. Their first two EPs were recorded at guitarist Max Schoenfeld’s father’s house. The new track has that mid-90s feel, it’s giving me Hum vibes. The band continues their western tour, which kicked off last night in Denver. 

The Number 2 Star: “Venus in Furs” – The Raveonettes

The Raveonetts have just released their first studio album in eight years, and it’s all covers! This album is going to get some serious play over the weekend. There is no weak link on this album, something my brother would call a “meat and potatoes album.” While the cover of “Return of the Grievous Angel” is the single release from this album, I went in a different direction for the Number 2 star. It’s the rules of the game. Paper beats rock. Scissors beat paper. The Velvet Underground beats Gram Parker. 

The Number 1 Star: “Angel Says” – Hank

Hank comes roaring into the Number 1 Star like the second coming of Catherine Wheel. If you play “I Want To Touch You” back to back with “Angel Says,” the degrees of separation seem to be one. This is the London band’s debut single. In an interview on Clash Music’s website, the band said, “We also wanted to try and create a wall of sound at points, really inspired by the way My Bloody Valentine hit you in the face with their guitars, so we experimented with different layers, pedals, drills and other bits.”